4D Analytics


Last updated: July 10, 2020

The video widget can be used to play YouTube video clips or HTML5 compliant video files.

The video widget can be used to stream a YouTube video to the dashboards. YouTube is a great choice to deliver video to your dashboards as the content is streamed and not loaded up on startup, meaning you can show long (large) videos.

You would go to YouTube and find the Video ID for the video that you want. For example, search for "gartner symposium 2012 keynote" and find the keynote video by Peter Sondergaard. Click on Share and you should get an embed code of http://youtu.be/EdRRiSSU04c. The YouTube ID that you need to configure this widget is EdRRiSSU04c.

You can choose to Autoplay the widget or to set them to manual. This decision may depend on how many YouTube widgets you have on screen.

HTML5 Video

HHTML5 compliant video files can be uploaded via the “File Manager” page to the “Multimedia Folder” on the server. They can then be played by setting the “Video Mode” configuration on the widget to Video, and entering the video filename in the “Video File URL” configuration.

Configuration Options

As shown below, certain configuration options are only applicable depending on the video mode selected.